This is an excellent opinion piece by Jonathan Freedland that was published in The Guardian on October 9, 2020.
Donald Trump is not only a useful idiot to Vladimir Putin but is dangerous to the health of Americans and our democracy. He has so mismanaged the COVID-19 Pandemic and it did not have to be this way. Other countries were able to contain the virus and open their economies and due to his misinformation we have had the most deaths per capita than any other major developed country. Donald Trump also received the best care for COVID-19 in the totally government run Walter Reed hospital at no cost but still wants to take healthcare away from millions of Americans they get through the Affordable Care Act. And, he only paid $750 in taxes!
I know some of my friends will agree whole heartily with this article and others will dismiss it. To those that dismiss it I hope you have read it and that you understand how dangerous this man is to our American values. Donald Trump cares only about himself and nobody else. He is destroying the Republican Party and our country. I hope my Republican friends will wake up to this fact. It is time to put an end to Trump and Trumpism. The real "Fake News" is just about everything Donald Trump says and has ever said. Don't be conned again in this election.
The link to this piece Covid-19 has unmasked the true nature of Donald Trump and Trumpism - Jonathan Freedland is here.